CEM Clean Energy City Challenge (3rd edition)

    CEM Clean Energy City Challenge (3rd edition)

    Organizer: Companhia de Electricidade de Macau – CEM. S.A.

    Co-organizer: Macau Science Center

    Technical support: Macau Science and Technology Promotion Association

    1. Objectives: 
    We aim at drawing students' interest in environmental protection, with a focus on the usage of clean energies, as well as nurture talents engaged in scientific research and innovation, encouraging sustainable and smart development in Macau.

    2. Entrants: 

    F1-F3 Students (Environment & Energy Conservation) – Students come up with ideas to use energy in a more efficient and environmental-friendly way (at home, school, workplace, community, etc.) with the ultimate goal to conserve resources and reduce energy consumption to protect the environment.


    F4-F6 Students (Clean Energies & Smart Technology) – Students develop ideas to design smart products, services or installations that integrate clean energy infrastructure in Macau.


    Remark: Top 10 schools from each category were selected to exhibit their models and compete for the best "CEM Clean Energy City Challenge (3rd edition)" project.

    3. Exhibition venue: Macau Science Center

    4. Exhibition period: 11 to 19 January 2025 (10:00am - 6:00pm)

    5. Participating schools: 

    F1-F3 Schools:

    - Escola da Associação para Filhos e Irmãos dos Agricultores

    - Escola Secundária Lou Hau

    - Escola Secundária Pui Ching

    - Colégio Yuet Wah (Secção Chinesa)

    - Colégio Yuet Wah (Secção Inglesa)

    - Colégio do Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Secção Inglesa)

    - Escola de Aplicação Anexa à Universidade de Macau

    - Escola de Talentos Anexa à Escola Hou Kong

    - Escola Fong Chong da Taipa

    - Colégio Diocesano de São José (3)


    F4-F6 Schools:

    - Escola da Associação para Filhos e Irmãos dos Agricultores

    - Escola Secundária Pui Ching

    - Escola São Paulo

    - Escola Yuet Wah (Secção Chinesa)

    - Escola Yuet Wah (Secção Inglesa)

    - Colégio do Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Secção Inglesa)

    - Escola de Talentos Anexa à Escola Hou Kong

    - Escola de Aplicação Anexa à Universidade de Macau

    - Escola Nossa Senhora de Fátima

    - Escola Fong Chong da Taipa

    6. Public voting: Public is welcome to visit the exhibition and vote for his/her favorite eco projects for a chance to win fantastic prizes.

    7. Voting period: The voting starts on 11 January (Saturday) until 17 January (Friday) 2025.

    8. Lucky draw prizes: 

    - 1 Apple Watch

    - 1 iPad

    9. Lucky draw date: 20 January 2025 (Monday)

        Remark: Winners will be notified individually.

    10. Voting rules: 

    1. Public must scan a QR code at the exhibition site and fill in a form to be entitled to participate in the lucky draw;

    2. Votes can only be submitted during the voting period;

    3. Public can only vote for one project from each category;

    4. Each person can only vote one time and win one prize;

    5. CEM staff are not allowed to participate in the lucky draw;

    6. Once the voting form is submitted it cannot be changed;

    7. Public' personal data will only be used for this lucky draw and related follow-up purposes, and to ensure compliance with the provisions of Law no. 8/2005 "Personal Data Protection Law";

    8. In case of any defects regarding these rules, CEM has the right to make necessary amendments without prior notice;

    9. In case of any disputes, CEM reserves the right to make the final decision.

    11. Inquiry: Please call Mr. Sou Kin Hou at 8393 1206 or Mr. Nelson António at 8393 1207.